Yes, currently we do accept online applications. Follow the "How To Apply" tab at the top to begin the application process through Trade School. Alternately, you may apply in person, by appointment only, at our office on one of our computers: CSEJATC Training Facility located at 414 W. Pikes Peak Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80905.
All applications are done online only, just click on the "How To Apply" tab and follow the instructions.
Documents you need to upload:
• Transcripts showing you’ve passed Algebra level math or higher
• A copy of your HS diploma or proof of GED
• Birth certificate or Passport
• Driver’s License
• Social Security Card
• If prior military – DD 214
If you have trouble uploading these to Trade School, please reach out so our office staff can assist you.
A driver's license is required for the Inside Wireman program. It can be an out of state driver's license at the time of application, but it must be a current and valid Colorado State driver's license at the time of indenture. If you are in the process of getting or renewing your license, you may provide the temporary paper document provided by the DMV at the time of application.
We typically offer the test twice a month on Wednesday's.
The aptitude test covers algebra and reading comprehension questions. Once you are scheduled for an aptitude test, you can come by the school to get a test prep booklet. Check out the online links listed under resources for more as well.
Colorado Springs Electrical JATC
414 W. Pikes Peak Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80905
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